20150815_154338Effective and transparent corporate governance has become popular in many countries due to recent scandals in many parts of the world.  In the US, WorldCom, Tyco and Enron come to mind. In fact, due to such scandals, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was introduced in the United States in 2002. (more…)

20150815_154338As 2016 winds down, companies need to take a step back and reflect on the major events that have shaped 2016 and will potentially affect their companies for years to come.   (more…)

Flag_of_South_Korea_(cropped)On December 23, 2016, the Fair Distributorship Transactions Act will take effect. The Fair Distributorship Transactions Act ( “FDTA”  or “Act”) is Korea’s new law governing unfair trade practices in distributorship transactions. (more…)

Internet connectionThere is no doubt that privacy laws in Asia have become very important to businesses operating in the Asia Pacific region. Here is a brief summary of the privacy laws of several jurisdictions in Asia:

1. Australia- Australia’s privacy law was first enacted in 1988. It has been modified twice since then, most recently in 2012.   (more…)

20150814_154034Looking back at 2016, it is apparent that the data privacy legislation in Asia has been very active. Though some jurisdictions elsewhere in the world have not yet grappled with data privacy issues, many jurisdictions in Asia have or are in the process of doing so. Amongst the more active jurisdictions in Asia from a data privacy perspective are Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and India.  China and Thailand are not that active yet. (more…)

world.1Considering recent political and economic events, many companies are reviewing old risk management policies and procedures, in case updates are needed. However, some of the risk management processes that should be reviewed are not being considered as they have been viewed as too expensive or impractical. (more…)

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